Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 6 - Turbo Fire

Today's workout was the shortest one I've had so far, but that doesn't mean it was any easier ;P I had HIIT 15 and Stretch 10. I'm used to the stretching one, and I really enjoy it. Nothing difficult in it...just some great stretches for after you're done with your workout. It was my first time with one of the HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workouts, though.
Basically, there were 3 fire drills, and you did each one 3 times. 40 seconds of going as hard as you possibly can, and then about 40 seconds of recovery before you do the next one. There was a lot of jumping (which I don't do so well, LOL), and I didn't always get the timing/moves right. But I was pretty damn sweaty by the end of it, and I was most definitely out of breath. We'll see how the calorie burn compares to other workout days :)
The scale and I had a bit of a disagreement this morning. When I woke up and went to the bathroom, I weighed myself, and it was 200.5. Except that that made no sense with the calories I'm taking in and the calories I'm burning. Ticked, I went out and did my workout. After that, I got BACK on the scale, and it said 199.5. That made much more sense, except for the fact that I had dropped a pound in half an hour. Then I went to the bathroom again and took a shower, and when I got out, weighed myself again (because at this point I was just CURIOUS). And it said 198.5. Which is exactly what I should be by tomorrow. So...yeah. I say we take the best out of three, right?

1 comment:

  1. That's odd. Either way, I'm glad you're dropping weight and feeling good.
