Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 6 - Turbo Fire

Today's workout was the shortest one I've had so far, but that doesn't mean it was any easier ;P I had HIIT 15 and Stretch 10. I'm used to the stretching one, and I really enjoy it. Nothing difficult in it...just some great stretches for after you're done with your workout. It was my first time with one of the HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workouts, though.
Basically, there were 3 fire drills, and you did each one 3 times. 40 seconds of going as hard as you possibly can, and then about 40 seconds of recovery before you do the next one. There was a lot of jumping (which I don't do so well, LOL), and I didn't always get the timing/moves right. But I was pretty damn sweaty by the end of it, and I was most definitely out of breath. We'll see how the calorie burn compares to other workout days :)
The scale and I had a bit of a disagreement this morning. When I woke up and went to the bathroom, I weighed myself, and it was 200.5. Except that that made no sense with the calories I'm taking in and the calories I'm burning. Ticked, I went out and did my workout. After that, I got BACK on the scale, and it said 199.5. That made much more sense, except for the fact that I had dropped a pound in half an hour. Then I went to the bathroom again and took a shower, and when I got out, weighed myself again (because at this point I was just CURIOUS). And it said 198.5. Which is exactly what I should be by tomorrow. So...yeah. I say we take the best out of three, right?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 5 - Turbo Fire

I'm not quite as sore as I was, which is very good :) My lower back doesn't hurt, though I can still feel my abs groaning when I'm in certain positions.

Today was Fire 30 and Stretch 10 again. It's nice to know what's coming - I've done this one three times now. It hasn't really gotten any easier, though. Sweat was pouring down my entire body. I'm used to it in my lower back and hair, but this was streaming down my legs, too. Ridiculous. But I feel so accomplished afterward :) I also did some moving into the new apartment tonight, and I know that was a little bit of a workout too :D

And...the scale says I've already lost 2 pounds. Let's hope I keep on the straight and narrow with my eating and that that trend continues!!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Day 3 & 4 - Turbo Fire

It turns out that Friday was a killer calorie-wise. I ate a little over 2200 calories, but I burned 3400. So I am totally okay with that. Between doing my workout, and moving a washer and dryer, and moving my desk (that SUCKED), I was absolutely wiped out. We also got papasan chairs and put those together (not that that's terribly difficult), so yeah. Long day. Productive, but long. And very very hot.

Yesterday was the same workout as Thursday. I didn't do the "new to class" option this time, and I managed to follow everything fairly well. Still an amazing workout. But on top of that, I picked up my little brothers and we went to the park for a run. John and I did 2 miles (jogging about 1.25 miles of it), and I'm so proud of him for doing this twice. I know it's hard for him, but he feels so accomplished when he finishes. Hopefully he learns that working out is such a mood-booster :)

Today was Core 20 (20 minutes) and Stretch 40 (40 minutes). I thought it would be easy - foolish me! Core was just...ow. I'm not using to doing core moves with resistance bands, but that's exactly what Chalene had us do. I could really feel it, though. And the stretching was actually yoga ;P At least it was only 40 minutes (unlike Tony's ridiculous 90), and it wasn't as hardcore. There were some new stretches, and it all felt really good :)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 2 - Turbo Fire




I woke up SO FRIGGING sore this morning. From my elbows, up my arms, down my shoulders and back, and all the way to my hips. The muscles in my lower back HATE ME. I kind of completely forgot that I even had muscles back there. Chalene found them, though, and worked them to death. I feel them when I turn, when I sit up straight, when I get up...yeah.

So today's workout was Fire 55 EZ Class (55 minutes). There was nothing "EZ" about it :P A lot of dancing - I like it, despite the fact that I know I look like a beached whale when I do it, and not sexy in the least. Whatever :P It's because of those moves that my abs/obliques/lower back are on fire. And that's good. THAT is where all my fat is now (aside from some in the inner thighs). So hopefully this will just rip through all of that CRAP.

Thank the good Lord for the "new to class" option. Otherwise, I'd be completely lost with getting the moves down. Plus, it gives me a little time to breathe before the next round of hell begins. And even then, I still screw up the choreography sometimes. But as long as I'm moving, I'm not really gonna care :P

I like Chalene (I apologize if I'm misspelling her name...I think it's right, though). She's encouraging the whole way through. She dances like an idiot (though still manages to look sexy...witch) and has fun and tells you you can do this. I like that. I think she and I can get along for the duration of this program. Maybe I won't even hate her the way I came to hate Tony some days...(yeah, right).

And I stuck to my calories yesterday. My goal was 1850, and I hit 1853 (maybe 1870...I did sneak two more triscuits before bed). So I'm okay with that :D I also burned over 2500. And I know on Tuesdays I burn about 3000 because of volleyball. Those are always my hard-hitting days :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Turbo Fire - Day 1


P90X was hard. I built some serious muscle, I became more flexible, I got to the point where I was able to do things that I never thought I'd be able to do. Some mornings were hell, and it was 90 freaking days, but I DID IT.

Turbo Fire is an entirely different beast.

I got my package last night, and couldn't WAIT to open it. And it came with this beautiful little calendar detailing my "class schedule." And that's when I saw it.

TWENTY WEEKS? Are they serious?

Anyway, while I was already staying up way too late last night, I did the math for how many calories you should be eating. What I like is that every four weeks or so, they have you recalculate, since your body is changing. Awesome :)

So the daily calorie count for now is 1850.

The first workout this morning was Fire 30 and Stretch 10 (the numbers are the minutes that the workout lasts). Chalene is a MACHINE. I did the "new to class" option, so that she explained the moves to me more before making me do them. And it was 30 minutes of constant motion. I was DRENCHED. Sweat streaming down my face, my hair soaked. Tucked into those 30 minutes are 3 different rounds of cardio and 2 fire drills. The fire drills are 70ish seconds where you go BALLS TO THE WALL and just hit it. You get a full minute of rest after that, but you've got to give it everything you've got for those 70 seconds. It's tough. It's fun. I think I loved it.

And my stomach thinks that it should eat everything in the world right now since the after burn (of calories) is insane.

Stretch 10 was nice, too. Ten minutes of stretching and relaxing. I'm totally down with that ;P

So day 1 is under my belt. We'll see what Day 2 has in store for me tomorrow :D

Oh...and starting weight was 201.5 this morning. Let's work through that last 50 pounds!!!