Thursday, July 22, 2010

Turbo Fire - Week 5

So I just finished the first 4 weeks of TurboFire, and I've gotta say...I'm tired ;P I got hit with an early period and it kinda knocked me down, making me not want to do anything, and then I think my body just got tired. Two days in a row I changed the scheduled workout from what was on the plan, but since I still worked out, I'm not feeling too bad about it. And on the days I run with John, I haven't been doing the second workout. I skipped Tuesday's workout too, since I had 3 hours of volleyball that night ;P I'm learning that I don't need to drive myself into the ground all the time. I made Jen promise to keep me from doing my workout the day we do our 5k in NYC. There is no reason for me to fit that workout in on top of running 3.1 miles, and walking around the city. That's just ridiculous.

And because the first 5 weeks are over, it was time to reevaluate calories as well. That's one thing I love about the program - your calorie needs change, since you're losing weight. I was at 1850 calories a day, and now I need to try and trim it to 1795. We'll see how that goes ;P

But, on a very good note, I saw 194.4 on the scale this morning. Woohoo! I had a random thought as well - for my birthday, I think I want to find myself a little red dress and go out somewhere, looking hot. It just sounds like fun :D

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Just finished Week 2

And it's going really well. My weight as of this morning read 195.8, and that makes it almost 6 pounds in two weeks. Awesome! Especially considering the brownies I've been consuming. But I've tried to keep it within my calorie count when I enjoy them :)
Some of the workout days have been really hard. Especially the Fire 45. I thought it couldn't be too bad, since I can survive the Fire 55. But there's something about this workout...I've done it twice now, and it kicked my ass both times. Completely wiped me out. I'm blaming the heat, too. I sucked down 2 bottles of water DURING the workout, and still wanted to pass out at the end, even getting tunnel vision. Yuck.
Today's my rest day, and I actually wish I had some hardcore workout to look forward to. I know that I won't make myself run when I get home, but maybe I can force myself to do BodyFate (an iPod app). I've just had a really rough day emotionally, and I could use the outlet.